Heartwarming Tales: 7 Short Motivational Stories to Inspire Your Day.

Motivational Short Stories

Words have an incredible power to inspire, uplift, and transform our lives. Often, it’s the simplest words in a short story that can make the biggest impact. In this article, we will explore 7 short motivational stories that have the power to change your life. These stories are more than just tales; they are lessons that resonate with our deepest emotions and can guide us towards a better path. Are you ready to be inspired?

1. The Boy and the Starfish

This story begins on a beach where thousands of starfish have been washed ashore. A young boy is walking along, picking them up one by one and throwing them back into the ocean. An old man watches him for a while and then asks, “Why are you doing this? There are thousands of starfish. You can’t possibly make a difference!”

The boy picks up another starfish, throws it into the water, and replies, “I made a difference to that one.”

Lesson: This story teaches us that no matter how small our actions may seem, they can make a huge impact on someone’s life. It encourages us to do what we can, even when the problem seems too big.

2. The Elephant and the Rope

In a small village, a man comes across an elephant camp. He is surprised to see these massive animals tied to small stakes with just a thin rope. Curious, he asks the trainer why the elephants don’t just break free. The trainer explains, “When they are young and much smaller, we use the same size rope to tie them. At that age, simply holding them is enough. As they grow older, they are conditioned to believe they can’t break free. They think the rope still restrains them, so they never attempt to escape.”

Lesson: This story reminds us that our limitations are often self-imposed. We are like the elephants, bound by the ropes of our own doubts and fears. It’s time to break free and realize our true potential.

3. The Empty Jar and the Golf Balls

A professor stands before his philosophy class with a large empty jar. He fills it with golf balls and asks the students if the jar is full. They agree that it is. He then pours small pebbles into the jar, which fill the gaps between the golf balls. Again, he asks if the jar is full, and the students nod in agreement. Next, he pours sand into the jar, filling the remaining spaces. Finally, he pours two cups of coffee into the jar, which is absorbed by the sand.

The professor explains that the jar represents your life. The golf balls are the important things—your family, health, friends, and passions. The pebbles represent other important aspects of life, such as your job, house, and car. The sand is everything else—the small stuff. If you put the sand into the jar first, there’s no room for the golf balls or the pebbles. The same goes for life.

Lesson: This story teaches us about prioritization. Focus on the important things first, and don’t let the small stuff take up your time. And the coffee? It’s a reminder that there’s always time to have a drink with a friend.

4. The Butterfly’s Struggle

A man finds a cocoon of a butterfly. One day, a small opening appears, and he watches the butterfly struggle to force its body through the tiny hole. The butterfly seems to stop making any progress, so the man decides to help. He cuts the cocoon open, allowing the butterfly to emerge easily. However, the butterfly has a swollen body and small, shriveled wings.

The man expects the butterfly’s wings to expand and provide support. But that doesn’t happen. The butterfly spends the rest of its life crawling around with a swollen body and weak wings, unable to fly. In his kindness, the man didn’t understand that the struggle to push through the tiny opening was necessary for the butterfly to strengthen its wings and prepare for flight.

Lesson: This story teaches us that struggles are essential for growth. When we face challenges, we strengthen our character and develop the ability to soar.

5. The Pencil and the Eraser

A pencil and an eraser are in a child’s pencil case. The pencil says, “I’m sorry.” The eraser, puzzled, asks, “For what?” The pencil replies, “I’m sorry because every time I make a mistake, you’re the one who gets hurt. You lose a part of yourself every time you correct me.”

The eraser replies, “That’s true, but it doesn’t bother me. “You see, I’m here to help you. We are both here to work together to create something beautiful. I exist to help you learn from your mistakes.”

Lesson: This story is a beautiful reminder of the importance of forgiveness and the willingness to help others, even if it comes at a personal cost. It highlights the value of relationships where people support each other’s growth.

6. The Blind Girl

There was a blind girl who hated herself because of her blindness. She resented everyone except her devoted boyfriend, who was always by her side. She said that if she could just see the world, she would marry him.

One day, someone gave her a pair of eyes. Now she could see everything, including her boyfriend. He asked her, “Now that you can see the world, would you like to marry me?” The girl was shocked to see that her boyfriend was also blind and refused to marry him. He walked away in tears, later writing a letter to her saying, “Just take care of my eyes, dear.”

Lesson: This story is a powerful lesson about the nature of love and gratitude. It reminds us to appreciate the sacrifices others make for us and to see beyond our superficial judgments.

7. The Two Wolves

An old Cherokee was teaching his grandson about life. “I have a battle going on within me,” he told the boy. “It’s a fierce fight between two wolves.” One wolf is evil—he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.” He continues, “The second one represents all that is good—joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, generosity, empathy, truth, compassion, and faith. This struggle is happening within you, and every person, as well.”

The grandson asks, “Which wolf will win?” The old Cherokee simply replies, “The one you feed.”

Lesson: This story illustrates the power of choice and self-control. It serves as a reminder that we can choose our thoughts and emotions. By nurturing positive qualities, we can overcome negativity and live a fulfilling life.


These short motivational stories serve as powerful reminders of the values and lessons that can shape our lives. Each story offers a unique perspective on courage, kindness, priorities, gratitude, and self-control. The power of words in these stories lies in their ability to touch our hearts and inspire us to change our lives for the better. Which story resonates with you the most?

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1. Why are short motivational stories effective?

Short motivational stories are effective because they are easy to remember and convey powerful lessons in a concise manner. They often use simple language and relatable characters to make a profound impact on the reader.

2. How can these stories change someone’s life?

These stories can change someone’s life by providing inspiration and a new perspective on life’s challenges. They encourage reflection, self-improvement, and positive change.

3. Are these stories suitable for all ages?

Yes, these stories are suitable for all ages. They are written in a way that both children and adults can understand and learn from them.

4. Can I share these stories with others?

Absolutely! Sharing these stories can inspire others and help spread positivity. You are welcome to share them with friends, family, or even on social media.

5. How can I apply the lessons from these stories in my daily life?

You can apply the lessons from these stories by reflecting on their messages and thinking about how they relate to your own life. Practice the values they teach, like kindness, gratitude, and self-control, in your daily interactions.

These stories, though short, carry profound messages that can help us lead more meaningful and fulfilling lives. Never underestimate the power of words; sometimes, a few sentences are all it takes to change your world.

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